
Member since ‎Jun 3, 2020
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Dan Crosby

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CHealey7 on March 13, 2024
Hi team, I'm hoping someone can help me with a recent error that has started happening on my email subscription preferences page. At the top of the page, instead of reading 'For the email address: [their email]' it now reads 'For the email addre read more
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12 Replies
June 26, 2024
We've had the same issue and for us we have narrowed it down to Firefox and the "Enhanced Tracking Protection" setting. As soon as that toggle gets more
danjamescrosby on January 05, 2024
When creating a lead you can set a custom "Lead name" but this doesn't get shown on the lead cards on associated records, they instead show the "Primary associated record name" as the clickable link to the lead. This issue is highlighted for us read more
January 16, 2024
Looks like this has now been fixed
danjamescrosby on January 05, 2024
When creating a lead you can set a custom "Lead name" but this doesn't get shown on the lead cards on associated records, they instead show the "Primary associated record name" as the clickable link to the lead. This issue is highlighted for us read more
January 16, 2024
Looks like this has now been fixed
cpieri on May 18, 2021
Welcome to ELEVATE! We are so excited to work with each of you this June! Let's get started by introducing ourselves. Feel free to tell us whatever you'd like but here are a few ideas to get started: Your name Where you are located What yo read more
270 Replies
June 01, 2021
Hi I'm Dan, I work for Event Store. We are based in the UK (I'm near Bath), but our team is now global with people in US, Netherlands, Norway, more
lalexander on November 14, 2018
Hi team, It would be great to be able to automatically add certain Products to Deals within Workflows. For example, if a customer comes in via a certain source and all of the customers from that source are purchasing Product A, all the Deals cou read more
184 Replies
March 16, 2021
We would love the functionality to copy line items from another deal, for exactly the same reason as @abrow mentioned above: we create duplicates more
lalexander on November 14, 2018
Hi team, It would be great to be able to automatically add certain Products to Deals within Workflows. For example, if a customer comes in via a certain source and all of the customers from that source are purchasing Product A, all the Deals cou read more
184 Replies
March 16, 2021
We would love the functionality to copy line items from another deal, for exactly the same reason as @abrow mentioned above: we create duplicates more
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