
Member since ‎Jun 2, 2020
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Stefan Paudler

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stefanpaudler on September 06, 2022
Hi, There are two different methods to exclude IP addresses from being tracked. 1) Settings/Tracking Code/Advanced Tracking (tab)/Exclude Traffic 2) Settings/General/Email (tab)/Email extension settings/Manage blocked IP addresses What is read more
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2 Replies
buywithvan on March 09, 2020
It would be very helpful to add all IP addresses to the Excluded Traffic list of any user that logs in to Hubspot. By the simple nature the user is logging in to Hubspot, this would imply he/she is internal on our team. We would like to block this read more
September 06, 2022
Still a fantastic idea. Why is this not being planned?
simenbm on January 27, 2020
In my company some of our employees are using the Thunderbird Email as Outlook is not available to us. The Outlook Sales Extension offers great value in terms of productivity, so it would be great if you would develop it as a plugin for Mozilla Thun read more
August 03, 2022
I've upvoted this, desperately hoping something will be done. With Thunderbird being open source, could anyone write such an extension?
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