
Member since ‎Jun 1, 2020
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Donna Wolfe

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dschutzman1188 on January 30, 2020
Would be great to be able to set default columns for the organization - I know that each user can set their own column preference, but sometimes it's a huge time saver to be able to set this as the super admin for all other users in the organization read more
2 Replies
June 03, 2020
It would be nice to be able to set columns for each list that you are looking at since you may have different ones that pertain to them. It is very more
ldyer on July 24, 2019
Hi when exporting a sent email report, is there a way to customize the columns? e.g i want to export the report with the recipients' name and company name at minimum. In order to provide the sales/executive teams with key insights (who c read more
June 01, 2020
I agree. Looking to see what links were clicked on and how many times they clicked on each would provide the person following up the approriate more
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