
Member since ‎Jun 1, 2020
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Chelsea Travere

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RRRadu on October 23, 2017
We use WordPress for our main site and we'd like to be able to associate WordPress pages to Campaigns. At the moment, we can only associate Blog or Landing pages hosted on Hubspot. It seems strange that while we use the Hubspot tracking code, an read more
154 Replies
November 03, 2023
I would like to enroll in the beta before December 1, 2023.
Paul_Simple on May 13, 2017
Currently there is no way to re-arrange the depenedent fields within the form. This makes it very tedious to edit forms after. The only way to move them is by deleting previous ones. It should just have the same object orientated nature that is read more
103 Replies
September 26, 2023
This would save a lot of time and be very helpful
vsimha on December 17, 2020
As of now we can't create specific reports to each social media account connected to Hubspot. As a global company we have many social pages from different companies. Hence we need each of those countries to only look at their country data of social read more
12 Replies
May 29, 2023
This is a major issue. We have multiple brands and clients so a report for all accounts is not helpful.
SSonoquie on March 14, 2022
It would be helpful if I could track views on the web version of emails I send out. I send direct links to the web version via text and facebook
3 Replies
May 29, 2023
Yes, it's disappointing that the web version does not track views and clicks. We need this to have a complete understanding of our audience and to more
Phildexter on May 31, 2017
for some reason it's not possible to sort the deals and contacts list by associated company. This would be very useful to group the deals/contacts from one company together while scrolling through the list. ...and since only a single compa read more
57 Replies
April 03, 2023
I would very much appreciate if I could alphabetically sort by associated companies and contacts.
to-cmns on March 31, 2023
It would be helpful if email templates had default settings, such as email subject, preview text, subscription type, internal email name, and email lists so we don't need to set this information manually every time and it will be consistent among a read more
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