
Teilnehmer/-in | Diamond Partner
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Leonardo Casarotto

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leo_csrt on Mai 18, 2023
Due to Legal obligations, many clients after 2 years that a Contact doesn't renew the Opt-in to a specific Email Subscription must stop communications via that Subscription type. Due to the impossibility of tracking the updates of the Email Sub Beitrag ansehen
ZoeHagfeldt on März 30, 2018
I am looking to build a report on Unsubscribes that shows me day to day or week to week or month to month of who unsubscribed. I don't want to download a list of unsubscribed. Just want to visualize it and see when someone did after what email all o Beitrag ansehen
8 Antworten
Teilnehmer/-in | Diamond Partner
Juli 08, 2020
Hi Lucinda, what you should do is to create a workflow that sets a custom date property (let's call it 'Unsubscribe date') as 'Date of step' for each...Beitrag ansehen
leo_csrt on September 26, 2019
I'm trying to detect how many sessions/pageviews my customers did in the 2 weeks before the purchase. The purchase in the Ecommerce creates a Deal via API Integration; the goal is to detect the average sessions/pageviews my clients do before buying. Beitrag ansehen
leo_csrt on Mai 15, 2018
It would be useful to have a feature in the Meetings tool that allows you to redirect the visitor to a URL or a custom Thank you page after filling in the Meetings. In my opinion, the "booking confirmation" is useful but being able to redirect the v Beitrag ansehen
99 Antworten
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