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Member since ‎Oct 21, 2016
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Stefen Phelps

I am a husband, father of three boys and a girl, and web developer at / co-founder of Kelp Creative Agency.


KFimreite on October 02, 2024
I have the Chat Widget enabled on our website to load the Hubspot chat for our users. The issue I see is that when I load the hubspot chat code it throws a dozen or more javascript errors. Is there anyway they can fix this? Failed to load resour read more
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6 Replies
Key Advisor | Partner
October 02, 2024
@KFimreite do you have a link to a page with the chat widget on it? That would be helpful to debug.
andrew19 on November 12, 2019
Hi We have successfully added a video module to our website, which for 99% of the time works without any issues as it auto plays and scales to the device We have found that if a mobile user has dissabled autoplay on video's, then there is no optio read more
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5 Replies
Key Advisor | Partner
June 15, 2024
I'm afraid not. You could create your own video controls and style them however you like and disable the default browser controls. But that would more
TWerboweski on May 23, 2024
I have installed Cloud Files which outputs a unique URL for a data room. I have set up a membership based portal which I want to have a section of the smart content to show the URL as an iframe embed. Right now the URL output is set to copy to a pr read more
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2 Replies
Key Advisor | Partner
May 24, 2024
@BérangèreL @TWerboweski i'd recommend creating a custom module that uses that contact property/personalization token in it's HTML which should more
kyKaq on November 13, 2020
Hello, I have font-awesome pro. Then I wanted to ask about the ways to use the font awesome pro in the hubspot. Is it same with the way to use the icon (add icon field) by edit the setting or anythings? Or is it by coding? Thanks.
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5 Replies
Key Advisor | Partner
March 01, 2024
@yshinzato no, you'd have to use your own custom field in a custom module and copy and paste the code into it for pro.
DTPRO on October 23, 2023
Hello everyone. I'm having an issue with creating contacts with the PHP basic API call: <?php use HubSpot\Factory; use HubSpot\Client\Crm\Contacts\ApiException; $client = Factory::createWithAccessToken('YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'); try { $apiRespo read more
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2 Replies
Key Advisor | Partner
October 24, 2023
@Jaycee_Lewis @DTPRO you can get the cookie value by using the `$_COOKIE` PHP function like so: $_COOKIE["hubspotutk"]; The Form ID you more
sidcamara on October 10, 2023
Hi, I have a serie of hubspot modules that have javacript files that use the same logic. I would like to extract the common code to a js file and then import that code to be used on the diferent js module files so that I don't have duplicate code a read more
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5 Replies
Key Advisor | Partner
October 11, 2023
Or, you can compile/bundle the files yourself before uploading to HubSpot.
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