
Member since ‎May 28, 2020
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Katia Agbomemewa

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beng_dbmaestro on February 20, 2019
We have an external partner who deals with all our incoming contacts from a certain set of countries. I know how to create a workflow where whenever a user from one of these countries registers he recieves a notification email, but how can I make su read more
March 30, 2021
hi I have the exact same problem. But I was trying to send the emil from a deal workflow. I see one more option in the contact workflow (Send more
MarkSRasmussen on February 20, 2017
When users leave the company we want to remove their access to HubSpot. If we delete a user, their names are deleted from history. e.g. "User A created a Note" will no longer contain User A's name, but rather an internal number identifier, rendering read more
102 Replies
January 29, 2021
I can only add, in my company we are lucky to use only the company e-mail, and our IT-team redirect the mail to the team leader of the person that more
C-Note on December 12, 2018
I really need the ability to create reports using OR filters instead of just AND filters. For example, we use fields like AC1 and AC2 when a contact has multiple accounts. When I create a report, I want to be able to see if there are customers wit read more
132 Replies
January 25, 2021
No news? btw, for us using the list to avoid the "or" in the report is not really an option as we want to create a report about deals.
Katia_A on October 23, 2020
Hi! Today I recived an E-Mail from HubSpot about a User requesting the addition of a seat in our Sale Hub Professional account. It is right as I'm Super Admin for this account, but the E-Mail was also sent to some people on my compan read more
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Paul320 on October 12, 2020
It would be really nice to be able to target a deal in a contact-based workflow using its Deal ID. We have contacts that have multiple Deals that are active in the sales pipeline. We want to follow up on those deals via a marketing email, and h read more
3 Replies
October 14, 2020
Same problem here! with customers having multiple Deals, it would be great to directly solve problems like the one described from Paul320. Right more
Katia_A on August 13, 2020
Hi! I'm using a multiple checkbox property, containing multiples values for single contact, as a token to personalize an E-Mail. Testing out the E-Mail I saw that the delimiter between the values of the property is a comma ",". Is it poss read more
August 28, 2020
Hi Alyssa Thank you a lot for your suggestion! I tryied it out but I didn't manage to make it work 😞 Our dev team was faster than me anyway more
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