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MattF on Juli 13, 2020
Either through hovering over a deal or added to each tile, a view where reps and managers could add notes that would be easily visible through the overall view instead of navigating into the record for each deal. An in-practice example being: me Beitrag ansehen
Mitglied | Partner
September 24, 2021
It would be great if there was just a little speech-bubble that you click on, quickly enter the notes and it saves across the deal and associated con...Beitrag ansehen
Ucidity on September 08, 2021
This is for HubSpot, please upvote this and let's ge tthis fixed up! Add T&Cs to the over-all HubSpot settings so we can set defult terms Add tabs on the Quote page so when an attached deal is changed to 'Lost' the quote is archived, when dea Beitrag ansehen
0 Antwort
MMT on September 30, 2020
MOST CRM platforms that integrate with Finance systems, or systems that are able to generate QUOTES, will allow for preconfigured settings for all quotes, company wide. Feature request Terms and conditions - allowing our company terms and Beitrag ansehen
23 Antworten
Mitglied | Partner
März 09, 2021
Yes, 100%. Take a leaf out of Xero's hat, now that you're buddies and see how they do it.
NilsK on Januar 02, 2020
We use a specific tax % on every quote so it should be possible to set a standard and e.g. add a 19% tax on every quote created automatically. Benefits: Saves times Avoid mistakes
211 Antworten
Mitglied | Partner
Februar 15, 2021
Has this been implemented? Pretty basic really...
Ucidity on Januar 05, 2021
Sometimes you don't want to or can't delete a property or list. It would be great to be able to "Archive" it so that in future lists and options it no longer appears, but it doesn;t get removed from any historical contacts, companies or deals.
8 Antworten
Ucidity on Januar 05, 2021
So when I click away, I can find the chat again if needed. If I clear the notifcation, there is no clear way to get back to the chat.
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