
Member since ‎Jul 18, 2017
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Fivetran on December 11, 2023
I want to add new internal hubspot IDs to my marketing email. Please help me with the steps to do so. The relevant field is marked with the red arrow below.
December 11, 2023
Our customers are reporting additions to campaign IDs in marketing emails for hubspot. I verified that the values here in Internal Hubspot IDs are more
Fivetran on December 11, 2023
I want to add new internal hubspot IDs to my marketing email. Please help me with the steps to do so. The relevant field is marked with the red arrow below.
December 11, 2023
Our customers are reporting additions to campaign IDs in marketing emails for hubspot. I verified that the values here in Internal Hubspot IDs are more
Fivetran on December 08, 2023
I am trying to use the marketing email API to fetch data incrementally for our integration. We are fetching the latest data by filtering based on the updated field in the API parameters. However, we noticed that when a campaign is added to a marke read more
December 10, 2023
Thanks for the reply. I am trying to test this on the API and I am not familiar with the hubspot application. Can you please guide me on how I can more
Fivetran on December 08, 2023
I am trying to use the marketing email API to fetch data incrementally for our integration. We are fetching the latest data by filtering based on the updated field in the API parameters. However, we noticed that when a campaign is added to a marke read more
December 10, 2023
Thanks for the reply. I am trying to test this on the API and I am not familiar with the hubspot application. Can you please guide me on how I can more
Fivetran on August 22, 2023
Is there a way to see in the UI the externalID for engagement type CALL that the API provides?
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Fivetran on December 01, 2020
I tried to hit the following endpoint (Used for incremental sync): Response: But when I tried to hit the Historical full sync endpoint for the same conta read more
December 15, 2020
Hi @dennisedson , Our engineers informed me that the issue was somehow rectified on your side. Sorry, for the late response.
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