
Member since ‎May 20, 2020
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Gabriela Wawszkowicz

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j-z on November 06, 2023
Hi, I would like to request a feature for a multi-step form to be created within 1 Hubspot Lead form, without the need to create multiple forms and redirect via the submission button. The current way is very tedious. I'm looking at a s read more
8 Replies
February 02, 2024
Please make it non exclusive and give us an option to control this more
GWaw on February 02, 2024
When the old pop ups in forms were discountiued we lost this functionality. We would like to have an option to create a small pop up that upon clicking the next step button will display a form step instead just showing the whole form altogether at read more
2 Replies
GWaw on October 23, 2023
In lists & workflows I would like to have an option to filter out people who have recieved/opened/clicked/bounce in a specific email that is a part of a sequence (same as marketing emails).
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Paal-AU on May 05, 2023
Hi, When someone has already given their consent, it's annoying having to give it again. We are in a GDPR-restricted country, so we have to ask for consent to store and process, and of the reasons why I'm suggestion this feature, it has to be read more
3 Replies
July 04, 2023
We could use having just an option to rearrange consent checkboxes.
GWaw on May 23, 2022
A personalization token in an email might be a property that is a date. When it is - can it be 'translated' to a proper region format? eg. polish 21.31.2022 american 31/21/2022
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GWaw on May 27, 2021
We have an option to embed forms and CTAs outside of HubSpot with provided embed code that's in HTML. I believe enabling the same possibility for Custom Modules would be powerful. I have tons of ideas on how we could implement dynamic and smart read more
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