
Member since ‎May 14, 2020
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David Samuelsson

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NGosz on June 17, 2020
At this time, form submissions are only associated with the contact record. It would be helpful for sales reps to be able to view all form submissions that have happened for a company within the company record This would be especially helpfu read more
September 29, 2022
This would be really nice since its hard for Account Managers to know if one of the 50+ contacts have filled out a form submission. Would be greaet more
yoyoyo on September 30, 2020
There are some custom properties associated with contacts which require multi-currency. For example, if I want to record the net worth or annual income of a contact, I can only do so in the default currency today. However, as a global company, read more
16 Replies
December 15, 2020
We would love to have this feature also but for company records. We are looking into adding ARR values under each company card but can't have more
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