
Participant | Platinum Partner
Member since ‎May 14, 2020
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OliviaB on November 30, 2020
I recently discovered this smart way to create and maintain a 'Today's date' property using workflows. This can then be used in reporting, workflows and lists. To do this you can follow these steps: 1) Create a custom date field property read more
82 Replies
Participant | Platinum Partner
February 18, 2021
Thx for sharing - hopefully this is exactly what i needed to set "Became MQL" date on a company level:)
ashahhubspot on April 30, 2018
What are your favorite Reports that you've built in HubSpot? How do you use that Report in your job? Post a screenshot and short explanation. We're trying to understand how to more easily surface the data you need!
1 upvote
10 Replies
Participant | Platinum Partner
January 27, 2021
Hi Cooper - its a long time sinse you posted this but this looks very interesting - Do you have the specs for how to set up the report? Thx, more
ernopyykko on June 14, 2018
We'd like to have a workflow to copy 'Became Marketing Qualified Lead' date from the contact to the associated company. As far as we've understood, that's not possible because that field being type datetime, and the properties you can create ca read more
12 Replies
Participant | Platinum Partner
May 14, 2020
Working with B2B the focus is on getting new customers in terms of new comapnies - (and/or new deals related to a company) - Hence we strongly more
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