
Member since ‎May 13, 2020
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Nick Abrahams

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Nickabr on May 15, 2020
Hi Hubspot, When can we see the most popular font - 'Calibri' included in emails sequences and Marketing Emails ( without needing to code )? Seems like a fair request. Please confirm a timeline?
55 Replies
January 26, 2022
Calling out to the entire Hubspot community to review this request and add your support by way of a comment as weight in numbers can hopefully bring more
Nickabr on May 15, 2020
Hi Hubspot, When can we see the most popular font - 'Calibri' included in emails sequences and Marketing Emails ( without needing to code )? Seems like a fair request. Please confirm a timeline?
55 Replies
January 26, 2022
Calling out to the entire Hubspot community to review this request and add your support by way of a comment as weight in numbers can hopefully bring more
Nickabr on May 15, 2020
Hi Hubspot, When can we see the most popular font - 'Calibri' included in emails sequences and Marketing Emails ( without needing to code )? Seems like a fair request. Please confirm a timeline?
55 Replies
January 26, 2022
Calling out to the entire Hubspot community to review this request and add your support by way of a comment as weight in numbers can hopefully bring more
Nickabr on September 09, 2020
We should be able to invite/book more than 1 person on the Hubspot Meeting Tool. It would save a lot of time to not have to book a meeting with 1 person, then go into Outlook to add other attendees. The reason I use the meeting tool instead of O read more
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Nickabr on May 15, 2020
Hi Hubspot, When can we see the most popular font - 'Calibri' included in emails sequences and Marketing Emails ( without needing to code )? Seems like a fair request. Please confirm a timeline?
55 Replies
January 26, 2022
Calling out to the entire Hubspot community to review this request and add your support by way of a comment as weight in numbers can hopefully bring more
AndyPitre on April 04, 2017
I'd like to be able to control which properties appear on the "card view" in the Deals Dashboard. Default is... - Deal Name - Amount - Close Date - Attached Contacts I'd like to be able to select my own 4 attributes, so that the at-a-gla read more
452 Replies
May 13, 2020
How this is not already an option is beyond me. Such a simple but necessary function. Please resolve ASAP.
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