
Member since ‎May 13, 2020
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ORobinson on January 26, 2021
The ability to create rate cards/customer pricing for each customer. This would be helpful as we write so many quotes and have to add discount levels each time we quote and these are different for every customer. The only way around this currently i read more
4 Replies
September 15, 2022
We negotiate pricing and have different product prices by clients occasionally. We would like the ability to have pricing by client in the system more
PowerbiAdmin on July 22, 2020
Hi, We have related companies on contacts turned on in our Hubspot system. However, I'm not sure how I can pull that data into Zapier, or via a webhook. I don't see the Related companies field in my contacts feed. I do see the associated company read more
0 upvote
4 Replies
August 11, 2020
I am updating this in case anyone has the same problem. This is doable. You need to utilize the CRM Associations API using the definitions more
PowerbiAdmin on July 22, 2020
Hi, We have related companies on contacts turned on in our Hubspot system. However, I'm not sure how I can pull that data into Zapier, or via a webhook. I don't see the Related companies field in my contacts feed. I do see the associated company read more
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4 Replies
August 11, 2020
I am updating this in case anyone has the same problem. This is doable. You need to utilize the CRM Associations API using the definitions more
mwee on October 14, 2019
With the new folder tool, we are able organise Products into our Product Library. However, this would be much better if we are able to import Product directly into the folders. Typically, when using a Product import, we are importing a long lis read more
49 Replies
July 27, 2020
Yes - this is very much needed. I've read in other lists that many features are available via the API, but not through the web-app. For instance, more
PowerbiAdmin on July 22, 2020
Hi, We have related companies on contacts turned on in our Hubspot system. However, I'm not sure how I can pull that data into Zapier, or via a webhook. I don't see the Related companies field in my contacts feed. I do see the associated company read more
0 upvote
4 Replies
August 11, 2020
I am updating this in case anyone has the same problem. This is doable. You need to utilize the CRM Associations API using the definitions more
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