
Member since ‎May 11, 2020
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Candice Evans

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CaitlinRose on March 03, 2021
Allow a workflow whereby if a deal is associated with a company (and than cmpany has associated contacts), then the contacts are pulled and automatically assigned to the deal. This would also work the other way where if a deal had an associated read more
67 Replies
October 13, 2021
We would like this functionality, but for Tickets, not Deals.
clevans on July 14, 2020
HubSpot currently allows you to set user permissions per email template. We have over 30 email templates, it is tedious to have to go to each one and set the user permissions. It would be much easier to be able to set these permissions per folder read more
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JessicaReed on September 23, 2019
I am wondering if there is a way to upload the 'attachments' on a contacts page to be in folders instead of just uploading into a bit of an unorganised mess. If that makes sense. For example with recruitment purposes, if we could create a 'C read more
108 Replies
July 02, 2020
I was just looking for this exact thing. Folders for attachments in the company and contacts records itself would be extremely helpful in organizing more
lindsayroseryan on February 16, 2018
Other messaging tools capture the end user's IP address immediately when they initiate a conversation with a representative. This is a valuable piece of information the ensures that the customer has the best experience possible. There are read more
46 Replies
May 18, 2020
We have just switched over from LiveChat Inc. which showed the visitor's IP address and therefore City/Country location. This is an absolute must more
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