
HubSpot Employee
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Paul Weston

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RepreZenTed on Juni 15, 2019
I would find it really helpful to tag contact lists as belonging to a certain campaign, so cloning the campaign also clones the lists, which are an essential part of the campaign. Here's the background... We are running training workshops, u Beitrag ansehen
HubSpot Employee
November 05, 2019
Got it! Thanks for that clarification. We'll keep that in consideration.
alivia on Februar 06, 2018
Hey, We need to be able to attach contacts we upload to a campaign in Hubspot. Let's face it, not many companies are 100% online, we all go to events and attend conferences where we get contacts, or even do hosted paid and are given lists of con Beitrag ansehen
HubSpot Employee
November 05, 2019
Really appreciate the feedback. It's true that for now contacts added via a list will show as influenced contacts and revenue. This is the first ste...Beitrag ansehen
RepreZenTed on Juni 15, 2019
I would find it really helpful to tag contact lists as belonging to a certain campaign, so cloning the campaign also clones the lists, which are an essential part of the campaign. Here's the background... We are running training workshops, u Beitrag ansehen
HubSpot Employee
November 05, 2019
Got it! Thanks for that clarification. We'll keep that in consideration.
alivia on Februar 06, 2018
Hey, We need to be able to attach contacts we upload to a campaign in Hubspot. Let's face it, not many companies are 100% online, we all go to events and attend conferences where we get contacts, or even do hosted paid and are given lists of con Beitrag ansehen
HubSpot Employee
November 05, 2019
Really appreciate the feedback. It's true that for now contacts added via a list will show as influenced contacts and revenue. This is the first ste...Beitrag ansehen
alivia on Februar 06, 2018
Hey, We need to be able to attach contacts we upload to a campaign in Hubspot. Let's face it, not many companies are 100% online, we all go to events and attend conferences where we get contacts, or even do hosted paid and are given lists of con Beitrag ansehen
HubSpot Employee
November 05, 2019
Really appreciate the feedback. It's true that for now contacts added via a list will show as influenced contacts and revenue. This is the first ste...Beitrag ansehen
alivia on Februar 06, 2018
Hey, We need to be able to attach contacts we upload to a campaign in Hubspot. Let's face it, not many companies are 100% online, we all go to events and attend conferences where we get contacts, or even do hosted paid and are given lists of con Beitrag ansehen
HubSpot Employee
November 05, 2019
Really appreciate the feedback. It's true that for now contacts added via a list will show as influenced contacts and revenue. This is the first ste...Beitrag ansehen
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