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GlynC on August 14, 2021
Currently there is a big gap in the Marketing Hub plans in terms of price and capability between Starter and Professional, but not so much between Free and Starter. One area specifically is the Custom Reporting that is not provided for a Starter. A Beitrag ansehen
LuckyJacquie on April 23, 2018
Hello! I'm entering contact's information into their profile, however, do not see a place to add their physical address. How do I create a field so I may add additional information, i.e. home and/or work physical address (city, state, zip) to th Beitrag ansehen
7 Antworten
Juni 25, 2020
It seems very odd that you would have to use custom fields to create a postal address. It seems obvious that the default Contact parameters should ac...Beitrag ansehen
mattgeller on August 29, 2018
When people talk to us in Facebook messanger, the replies stay buried in MARKETING > SOCIAL > MESSANGER > AUDIENCE. This is pretty useless. These should really appear in the Conversations Inbox with the rest of the messages we receive Beitrag ansehen
Juni 15, 2020
Has there been an update to this yet. It seems obvious that a customers conversation records should also include all their Facebook Messenger records...Beitrag ansehen
Davis on Mai 04, 2017
when we add new contacts we make separate contacts for people like families, friends, etc. I think it would be a great feature if there is a way to link two contacts together. ie: if we add contacts for a married couple, the contact info on husband Beitrag ansehen
103 Antworten
Mai 08, 2020
For our sport business we need this too. We are a small business with not much money and relying on the Free CRM to support our students/customers wh...Beitrag ansehen
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