
Member since ‎May 5, 2020
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Michael Stricker

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nc_3manfactory on November 27, 2019
The snippets feature for quickly adding often used phrases and short-form copy within emails would really benefit from supporting rich media like images. This would mean regularly used screenshots, diagrams, or graphics could be added with accompany read more
63 Replies
July 13, 2020
The first use-case I have for Snippets as an aid to Sales includes images. This must be a very popular need, perhaps it is because the upvote button more
Stricker1 on June 23, 2020
When you've applied multiple filters to arrive at a target Contact List (including suppressions) it would be most convenient to filter by including or excluding a Company List... so that Contacts Associated with those Companies can thus be included read more
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Brendan_ on December 27, 2017
Is a feature to customize what days are recognized as non-business days being considered or developed? It'd be nice to set certain days to automatically skipped (not just weekends) when sending sequences.
27 Replies
May 26, 2020
It is illogical for a B2B Marketing Automation tool to enable email sends on Business Holidays. An integral Holiday Calendar blackout feature is the more
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