
Contributor | Diamond Partner
Member since ‎Apr 30, 2020
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Hilton Rocha

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gourav_evrcare on May 03, 2020
Webhook subscription can subscribe to property change of contact/company/deal but not ticket. Hypothetically speaking ticket object is at the same level as contact, deal and company object is. Why ticket is not included in the webhook events? How t read more
Contributor | Diamond Partner
October 26, 2021
I'm having the same problem here. I need to get a Hubspot webhook notification when a new ticket is created, but it's not possible today. The more
hilton22 on September 21, 2021
Hello everyone, I'm creating a page with a Hubspot form. This form contains hidden fields that, depending on some parameters in the URL, these fields become visible, through JS code in a custom module that I'm also developing. The proble read more
Contributor | Diamond Partner
September 21, 2021
Hello @Teun , Thanks again for the reply! I've also read some things about this, that the onFormSubmit callback doesn't prevent form more
hilton22 on September 21, 2021
Hello everyone, I'm creating a page with a Hubspot form. This form contains hidden fields that, depending on some parameters in the URL, these fields become visible, through JS code in a custom module that I'm also developing. The proble read more
Contributor | Diamond Partner
September 21, 2021
Hello @Teun , Thanks again for the reply! I've also read some things about this, that the onFormSubmit callback doesn't prevent form more
hilton22 on September 21, 2021
Hello everyone, I'm creating a page with a Hubspot form. This form contains hidden fields that, depending on some parameters in the URL, these fields become visible, through JS code in a custom module that I'm also developing. The proble read more
Contributor | Diamond Partner
September 21, 2021
Hello @Teun , Thanks again for the reply! I've also read some things about this, that the onFormSubmit callback doesn't prevent form more
hilton22 on August 26, 2021
Hello, I'm in need of some help regarding customizing tag names in external rss feed in email. I've read many articles and posts on Hubspot forums on the topic, but none of them solved my problem. I need to create an email template using e read more
Contributor | Diamond Partner
August 30, 2021
Hi @Indra , Thank you very much for the reply. I will try to carry out the approach you suggested, it sounded like a very good idea!!! more
hilton22 on August 26, 2021
Hello, I'm in need of some help regarding customizing tag names in external rss feed in email. I've read many articles and posts on Hubspot forums on the topic, but none of them solved my problem. I need to create an email template using e read more
Contributor | Diamond Partner
August 30, 2021
Hi @Indra , Thank you very much for the reply. I will try to carry out the approach you suggested, it sounded like a very good idea!!! more
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