
Member since ‎Apr 24, 2020
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Rick Raven

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abrow on December 15, 2020
We would like to build reports that show the total dollar discount taken for a product. Currently, w hen I build a report, I see fields for 'Discount Percentage' and 'Unit Discount'. However, neither of these fields tell me the total dollar discount read more
2 Replies
June 15, 2023
This makes a big difference in whether or not we can continue to use Quotes and Invoices for HS. Without this reporting, our time with that feature more
briley on August 20, 2018
Currently, with the way the system is built out, a sequence set to only execute actions on weekdays will still count the weekends towards the delay. (A 3-day delay on a Friday will send on Monday rather than Wednesday). This doesn't give a lot of ti read more
27 Replies
April 10, 2023
This is critical. Business days and hours should be included in any sort of reporting and automation in the system as standard.
HGilpin on February 25, 2021
Hello! This is for the Service hub. Currently you can restrict inbox ownership to team(s) or user(s). However, ticket ownership within a pipeline is wide open. When the service reps click the drop down to assign an owner, they see every pe read more
12 Replies
February 13, 2023
This is vital for larger teams. Any workflows that can be used for this become unsustainable after a certain size, and since you view tickets by more
NPH on October 25, 2021
HubSpot should remove paid seats from users if they are removed or deactivated. It make no sense to then lock that seat if the user was deactivated, meaning we would then have to reactivate, remove the paid seat, and then deactivate again. To e read more
8 Replies
October 13, 2022
Yes. Yes. Yes. Deactivated should include at minimum the OPTION to immediately remove paid seat. It then being locked is just beyond frustrating. I more
rraven on September 01, 2022
I think it is important for Insights to be allowed to be overwritten when absolutely necessary, but we're in a state now where I actually want to repull in Insights data that may have been lost with imports. From what Support says, this is curre read more
0 Reply
rraven on August 04, 2022
Bounced emails are often a pain point for Marketing/Sales, but in Support it can be the difference between losing a client or not. Despite this, there is no easy way for tickets to have any sort of action if a support email bounces. Automations are read more
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