
Member since ‎Apr 23, 2020
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Megan Norris

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JBrooks1984 on January 19, 2021
Is it possible to block forms being sent with specific domain suffixes to speed up the filtering process? For example, most spam we receive comes from the .ru suffix. Additionally, is it/can it be possible to prevent a form being submitted if i read more
2 Replies
November 03, 2022
I am here to support the blocking certain terms in open for fields. This includes profanities. Our form fills goes to a slack channel that we have more
amyheng on July 11, 2017
Hi everyone, I would like to suggest that HubSpot's CRM/Sales platform require validations for fields. For example, my company wants to setup a validation rule so that a company name must start with a capital letter, or emails and first/la read more
37 Replies
September 02, 2022
I'd love to be able to block certain phrases from being submitted. Especially when our submissions get published to public slack channels.
Kristin on May 18, 2017
Currently HubSpot is not configured to allow users to sync Salesforce events with HubSpot - so the data contained in events cannot be mapped. We would like to use HubSpot to send our clients reminder emails for upcoming appointments automatically so read more
29 Replies
September 02, 2022
I'd like this feature so I can send slack notifications when meetings are booked. Upvoted!
megannorris on September 23, 2021
I am finding it to be pretty limiting that there doesn't look to be any sort of reporting on files that are hosted in Hubspot. We upload our ebooks, guides, and case studies so we can share them out and there seems to be zero data provided by Hubspo read more
4 Replies
JulieHuang on August 03, 2017
My Goal: To send each one of my marketing emails to all of my contacts at 10AM in their respective time zones (to increase open rates). I'd like to do this using one email instead of duplicating it and sending out to different lists manually. So read more
39 Replies
September 23, 2021
Commenting here to note that this is still a need. We use another service for database enrichment and have a ton of time zone data that we can't more
DG_TP on October 29, 2018
The Smart Content functionality is really awesome, but it would be great if users could immediately be able to test a page and see all of the Smart Content. For instance, I'm creating different copy based on the list the website visitor is part of, read more
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6 Replies
February 25, 2021
Same issue as rbeckwith - I have no contacts in my lists yet which are based on future dates contacts will inbound (updating a block for an event more
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