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David Cook

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rakeshm on Dezember 01, 2017
I think there should be an option to bulk export the sales email templates. At the moment, the only way to save Sales templates is to manually copy the content of each template, as there is no way to export them and it consumes a lot of time. Beitrag ansehen
42 Antworten
Dezember 19, 2020
Ouch, I have 395 templates that I have to manually copy from one portal to the next and it looks like there's no way of doing this other than clickin...Beitrag ansehen
HubSpotMaster on März 26, 2019
Use Case: I have a common identifier as a contact + company property that is not related to email (the traditional way to associate contacts to companies). I am not using associate contacts and companies because the emails are different Q Beitrag ansehen
Dezember 10, 2020
Danhammari - if you have an external application that does this, you might want to consider putting a small license fee and making it a SAAS product....Beitrag ansehen
Anonymous on Juni 19, 2019
Add ability to convert an active list to a static list - this would allow for a list used for a targeted email to then be converted so new contacts could not be added, creating a snapshot in time. Most lists are used multiple times, but some eve Beitrag ansehen
September 08, 2020
This would be super helpful... I agree that the problem here isn't that we are unable to `clone` an active list and create a new static one pulli...Beitrag ansehen
WhoOrderedRice on Mai 01, 2018
We have the outlook sidekick plugin on our email accounts, which logs emails and gives you a nice sidebar for more contact details. - Which is great for our actual customer contacts. However, this plugin is currently adding absolutely everyone Beitrag ansehen
Juni 12, 2020
Hi all, I FOUND A REAL SOLUTION to this. I don't know why this is not more publicly supported, but Insycle has a data management product that is fa...Beitrag ansehen
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