
Member since ‎Apr 15, 2020
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Vidushi Janovitz

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Vjanovitz on June 02, 2024
Use case: There is no way to re-enroll contacts through a LinkedIn Lead Gen Form into a workflow. We create so many different LinkedIn Lead Gen Forms that need to be individually selected in a workflow. That's tedious! Feature: Ability to pull for read more
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Vjanovitz on November 29, 2023
Thank you, HubSpot, for adding the functionality to convert a given active list to static. It's very helpful! But can you also add the ability to bulk edit and convert active lists to static ones? So we don't have to go in and do it individually read more
2 Replies
Vjanovitz on October 18, 2022
Currently, the only way to retrieve the property history is by mass exporting all the changes under settings. It would be really helpful if we could review the property history outside HubSpot for a given list or import. In case we want to revert b read more
Vjanovitz on July 12, 2022
Past Imports Section - Currently there is no way to sort out past imports by the creator, import name, or specific time range. It would be extremely helpful if we have search bar functionality within the past import tab.
maggiebutler on September 14, 2020
OpsLife is HubSpot's newest community for Operations professionals. Whether you're in Marketing Ops, Sales Ops, Customer Success Ops, RevOps, or another type of Ops role -- we're here to provide a home for the content, education, and resources you n read more
139 Replies
March 07, 2022
Hello Fellow HubSpotters, Nice to connect with you all! I'm a Digital Marketing Specialist at my organization where I have the opportunity to more
Vjanovitz on December 03, 2021
Similar to Salesforce where we can filter by campaign name containing <certain keyword> to build a report, I would really appreciate it if HubSpot can come up with the same filter parameter for building active lists and workflow enrollment tri read more
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