
Member since ‎Apr 10, 2020
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bmadrid on November 07, 2021
Hi, I would like to do the scope migration of our HubSpot app and we want to do it as soon as possible but we don't receive any notification or email. We don't see in our app ' Ready for scope migration ' or the migration wizard. Source read more
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8 Replies
November 19, 2021
Hey! We also did not receive anything so far. I did not opt out from automigration though, however, one of our apps works fine (production), while more
pbmartin on February 01, 2021
I'm surprised that the HubSpot Google Sheets integration does not include any date properties. It really isn't that useful for Deal analysis and reporting without date properties. Please add Date properties to the HubSpot Google Sheets integration. read more
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2 Replies
April 26, 2021
Hi, you can use to pull all (or apply date filter) your HubSpot deals, and in your output there will be several date parameters, like: more
sskurdah on October 17, 2017
Hi All - I'm looking for a way to populate Google Sheets wtih HubSpot data for reporting purposes. Ideally, as data is populated and edited within HubSpot, the Google Sheet would update as well. Is there currently any sort of integration o read more
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16 Replies
January 20, 2021
hi @sskurdah In fact, it is very easy to do. Just install the add-on, fill out the required parameters and set up schedule for auto-refreshes. more
Babel_Gem on March 20, 2019
Struggling with this one a little... I need to get contacts from HubSpot to a Google Sheet, on a weekly basis. Same criteria for the contacts but of course new ones may be added or some removed each week so needs to be dynamic. Zapier trigge read more
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2 Replies
April 13, 2020
hi @Babel_Gem I would suggest you try using to synchronize data between HubSpot and Google Sheets. How it works : you set more
ellenrathburn on July 29, 2019
I am using zapier to create rows on a spreadsheet as form-fills are submitted to create warranty requests for my company's tech department. I would like to find a way to create a timestamp within the spreadsheet, or generate an ID number automatical read more
April 10, 2020
Hi @ellenrathburn So, I am going to suggest another option: - You can use Google Sheets add-on called to pull your data from more
sskurdah on February 16, 2018
Hi there - I have a question about connecting Google Sheets with HubSpot deals. I want to upate a Google sheet with the current Deal Stage of a deal as the deal moves through the pipeline. I know you can update sheets with HubSpot data thr read more
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13 Replies
April 10, 2020
hi @sskurdah Actually, you can try using Google Sheets add-on which works in a bit different way. It allows you to synchronize your more
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