
Contributor | Platinum Partner
Member since ‎Apr 10, 2020
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Eugenio Rossi

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NBP on March 04, 2020
Currently HubSpot do not provide any features or functionality that will support notifications in the event someone disconnects a connected app. However, when the connected app is a link with another third-party application, it can be useful read more
15 Replies
Contributor | Platinum Partner
January 03, 2023
Having a webhook to bind actions to, when an app is unistalled, would be just brilliant.
JoeMayall on April 14, 2021
Submitted on behalf of a customer It would be beneficial if the cards on the Deal Board view could be custom color-coded. This would help users organize their deal performance and understand it at a glance. Other Deal Board customizat read more
92 Replies
Contributor | Platinum Partner
May 25, 2022
This would help a lot in so many cases: also field updatable via API would be nice!
Cherisse on April 19, 2021
We use workflows to automate many tasks we would normally be manually managing. I would like the ability to use workflows to "Create Note" on a Contact and/or Company record. Example 1: Following a training, we provide our clients incenti read more
161 Replies
Contributor | Platinum Partner
January 19, 2022
It would be usefull, otherwise we're going to struggle with custom solutions that does not fit at all!...
eugenio_rossi on December 21, 2021
As it is possbile to save views for almost any object in CRM, it would be logical and helpful to save a view in Sitemap Tree Page in CMS part
eugenio_rossi on November 25, 2021
Hi, I currenly am in the situation of importing up to 1k records in HubDB table. Each row is composed by a name and an image, located in a remote uri and we're going to turn off the old server so the current uri wont answer any longer. Current read more
eugenio_rossi on October 08, 2021
Hi, I'd to have a input type as gallery (ie. multiple images selection), within a single row of an hubDB table. It would be great not to link a table row to another hubDB table created only to handle multiple images load.
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