
Mitglied seit ‎Apr 9, 2020
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Jason Krech

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jpkrech on November 13, 2020
The new "Last Engagement" column in Task View is very helpful. Unfortunately, it doesn't appear to be available for LIST building. This would be incredibly useful if I wanted a simple way to execute a Sales Sequence against all super cold con Beitrag ansehen
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glencornell on April 11, 2019
There's no way to see the contacts that are actually opening, clicking, replying, and booking meetings on sequences. This report is currently only helpful for evaluating the effectiveness of a sequence but it does not allow users to take action from Beitrag ansehen
152 Antworten
Oktober 27, 2020
SO GREAT TO HEAR! This capability, including being able to create list based on enrollment in SPECIFIC sequences is much needed...
aadame on November 21, 2017
filters/sequences Is there a way I can look up contacts that I own that are on a particular sequence? or can I filter sequences to show only contacts that i own? I would like to know where my contact are in a particular sequence or be able to so Beitrag ansehen
September 10, 2020
This is absolutely a much needed feature / improvement. Without it, it significantly limits the ability to follow-up appropriately with contacts or ...Beitrag ansehen
jpkrech on August 19, 2020
I don't think that Hubspots timing of send times is very logical and so I'd like to be able to simple send all things at once at the start of enrollment of a contact in a sequence.
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