
Member since ‎Apr 9, 2020
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Anna White

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SPriller on January 26, 2023
Hi, I work a lot with the task overview within Hubspot. I use queues and everything to group the tasks, but it would be amazing to be able to color code them individually. So f.ex. for my own logic green would mean "i sent them an offer and should read more
3 Replies
January 03, 2024
Just to be able to set some kind of priority by colour or flagging system would be a huge bonus. Particularly within the planning boards.
Olivia_Englert on March 20, 2020
When creating meeting links in Hubspot it has the option to pick when a meeting can be scheduled. Currently there is a limit of 11 weeks. Having no limit or a yearly limit would be extremely helpful as we schedule annual and quarterly calls with read more
59 Replies
March 17, 2023
Is there any feedback on this please Hubspot because we also will have to move to another system if this can't be fixed as we need to schedule at more
vmcgee on December 11, 2020
Please bring back the task board view to drag & drop tasks to change the status: - Not Started - In Progress - Waiting - Completed - Deferred
17 Replies
December 29, 2022
I agree with the above but can we also be able to re-assign tasks from one board to another (you can do this in Monday and most other project more
Deirdre on November 16, 2016
I am a member of a three-person marketing team. We would like to start using the Hubspot calendar for planning purposes. Once each of us enters our tasks in the calendar, is there a way to filter based on our names (as well as tasks)? For example, p read more
January 05, 2021
Very keen to see this feature please - moved everyting across from Asana but in danger of getting very difficult to find without this filter.
MVanhille on January 05, 2021
I would like to have the option to update or not the existing data when we import a file with contacts and properties. For example, after an event, I want to import the participants and I have a column with the property "origin of the contact" w read more
2 Replies
January 05, 2021
This is 100% something we would like to be able to do, just had exactly this issue this morning.
AnnaScotland on January 05, 2021
We would like to be able to filter the calendar of tasks by individual team member - is this in development Hubspot? Anyone else like this functionality or am I missing how to set it up?
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