
Member since ‎Jul 10, 2017
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fpena on March 01, 2019
Whenever a form is submitted we use the internal notification feature to provide notice of an incoming lead. In order to simplify efforts though we often use the same form but just change the notifications within the individual pages themselves. read more
March 04, 2019
Thank you for the response! Neither option sounds easy or able to automate, but that's what I figured which is why I posted. I appreciate more
fpena on March 01, 2019
Whenever a form is submitted we use the internal notification feature to provide notice of an incoming lead. In order to simplify efforts though we often use the same form but just change the notifications within the individual pages themselves. read more
March 04, 2019
Thank you for the response! Neither option sounds easy or able to automate, but that's what I figured which is why I posted. I appreciate more
fpena on January 08, 2019
We're trying to roll out our CRM to a team that has usually used other methods to track lead activity. Before we get to the point of API integration I was curious if there was a way to update a contact just using a CSV file? I know importing a read more
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3 Replies
January 11, 2019
This wouldn't be a large number of records so it does appear a batch process with Zapier might do the trick. Unfortunately just placing it in the more
fpena on January 08, 2019
We're trying to roll out our CRM to a team that has usually used other methods to track lead activity. Before we get to the point of API integration I was curious if there was a way to update a contact just using a CSV file? I know importing a read more
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3 Replies
January 11, 2019
This wouldn't be a large number of records so it does appear a batch process with Zapier might do the trick. Unfortunately just placing it in the more
fpena on November 09, 2018
Hello everyone, We have a potential scenario where we'd like to have visitors submit content on a form and then have it placed into moderation. From there it would be reviewed by an approver and upon submission will post the collected content i read more
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1 Reply
fpena on June 25, 2018
We're looking at creating a microsite to take the place of a pretty lengthy welcome PDF that we currently send to customers. My thought was that we would create new templates for this experience but utilize the Hubspot Blog function to manage t read more
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2 Replies
June 26, 2018
Phil, Thank you for your response. The intent of the microsite is to provide a resource center for new customers. So it would be preferable more
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