
Member since ‎Apr 5, 2020
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Nigel Amyes

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snedyavila on July 10, 2019
Currently, as long as a user has access to Marketing Emails (even 'Read only' access), they will be able to add/edit/delete Subscription Types in the portal settings. This can be problematic for organizations with large teams of content creators read more
14 Replies
March 06, 2024
We could use this... surprised it has taken so long to get implemented
MarianaG on September 09, 2021
it would be great to be able to add logic to survey questions in Hubspot. Creating a custom survey is great but we should be able to include conditional fields
135 Replies
February 08, 2024
Any update on this please HubSpot? Would really help!
Nigel-A on August 23, 2023
We have several different teams that all have different requirements when it comes to what they see in the Contact and Company index view (and to a wider extent the Contact, Company, Service Ticket, and Deal Cards) I know we currently have the read more
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GLR on December 13, 2017
Hello, I am just starting with D eals and I have an issue regarding the mandatory properties to create a deal. When Creating a D eal , I want my team to put the Company and the contact associated with the deal. Both informati read more
230 Replies
November 10, 2022
Amazing! This will make my life SO much easier... Is there a timeline for Beta or rollout?
Vjanovitz on July 12, 2022
Past Imports Section - Currently there is no way to sort out past imports by the creator, import name, or specific time range. It would be extremely helpful if we have search bar functionality within the past import tab.
July 21, 2022
100% agree!! I waste SO much time searching for lists that have been uploaded. Its great that once I find the list I can download it but finding more
GLR on December 13, 2017
Hello, I am just starting with D eals and I have an issue regarding the mandatory properties to create a deal. When Creating a D eal , I want my team to put the Company and the contact associated with the deal. Both informati read more
230 Replies
November 10, 2022
Amazing! This will make my life SO much easier... Is there a timeline for Beta or rollout?
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