
Member since ‎Apr 1, 2020
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Henry Jennings

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RSM on May 20, 2020
The ability to sort any table view by one column and then by another. Three levels of sorting would probably be sufficient for almost any use-case. Example: 1st level - sort by column for Deal Stage 2nd level - then sort by column for Deal Amo read more
54 Replies
August 03, 2023
This is critical functionality. In our case, we need to sort tickets first by their priority level then by their Create Date (oldest first). Current more
jennings on July 24, 2023
Some Properties in HubSpot (e.g. Deal Stage, Ticket Status) do not prompt you to "Save" when updated. HubSpot has recognized that these fields are updated regularly and the additional step of hitting Save is slow and frustrating to users. It wou read more
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jennings on February 20, 2023
HubSpot just introduced a new layer of granularity for permissions around the Notes activity type, which allows Notes to be hidden from Users who do not own the Note. Previously, you could see notes on any object you had access to. For some reason, read more
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jennings on February 19, 2023
HubSpot just introduced a new layer of granularity for permissions around the Notes activity type, which allows Notes to be hidden from Users who do not own the Note. Previously, you could see notes on any object you had access to. For some reason, read more
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2 Replies
February 20, 2023
Hi Karsten, Thanks for the response. When adding new levels of permissions granularity, it is fairly standard practice to default existing users more
jennings on February 19, 2023
HubSpot just introduced a new layer of granularity for permissions around the Notes activity type, which allows Notes to be hidden from Users who do not own the Note. Previously, you could see notes on any object you had access to. For some reason, read more
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2 Replies
February 20, 2023
Hi Karsten, Thanks for the response. When adding new levels of permissions granularity, it is fairly standard practice to default existing users more
Kidomu on March 09, 2021
Currently, a due date for a task can be set to a specific date or a set number of days from task creation. Suggestion: allow task due date to be set in relation to a date property on an associated record Example use case: use a deal-bas read more
31 Replies
August 28, 2022
This is for sure critical functionality. Not having this causes all kinds of messy workarounds, including creating tasks to update the date on more
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