
Membro desde ‎jul 10, 2017
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Andrew Hedge


HelpfulHero on Abril 13, 2022
Hey there! I'm the creator of the CLEAN Pro theme and one of the questions I get asked almost weekly is if there is an easy way to covert a "local" custom module into a GLOBAL custom module. I understand that this is possible using the CLI but v Leia mais
23 avaliações positivas
9 Respostas
Abril 17, 2024
Any update on this? We use the clean theme and have local modules (that are styled and look great), but want the ability to make small edits that upd...Leia mais
Hedge on Julho 10, 2017
Hi - We're running an email campaign of product updates to a highly engaged list of 'key contacts'. We were surprised to see our open rate was only 40%. Reading more, I understand open rate tracking relies on single pixel images embedded in Leia mais
1 avaliações positivas
4 Respostas
Agosto 08, 2018
Hmmm -thanks Jen - interesting!!
Hedge on Julho 10, 2017
Hi - We're running an email campaign of product updates to a highly engaged list of 'key contacts'. We were surprised to see our open rate was only 40%. Reading more, I understand open rate tracking relies on single pixel images embedded in Leia mais
1 avaliações positivas
4 Respostas
Agosto 08, 2018
Hmmm -thanks Jen - interesting!!
Hedge on Julho 10, 2017
Hi - We're running an email campaign of product updates to a highly engaged list of 'key contacts'. We were surprised to see our open rate was only 40%. Reading more, I understand open rate tracking relies on single pixel images embedded in Leia mais
1 avaliações positivas
4 Respostas
Agosto 08, 2018
Hmmm -thanks Jen - interesting!!
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