
Member since ‎Mar 31, 2020
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Daniel Braun

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danbraun on July 16, 2024
Hello everyone! It appears that I cannot use the newer range syntax for media queries within {% scope_css %} blocks. ( ) If I do, I get an error: "Invalid usage of scope_css: cs read more
danbraun on April 07, 2023
Hello, I am interested in building a dynamic front end for our HUBSPOT blog that is on our HUBSPOT website that will allow the user to update blog listings without page refresh. This will be based on interactions with check boxes. Please let me read more
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2 Replies
April 10, 2023
Thanks Himanshu, I think there might be a misunderstanding. I want to use the Hubpsot Blog on my Hubspot website. I do not have another blog on my more
danbraun on April 07, 2023
Hello, I am interested in building a dynamic front end for our HUBSPOT blog that is on our HUBSPOT website that will allow the user to update blog listings without page refresh. This will be based on interactions with check boxes. Please let me read more
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2 Replies
April 10, 2023
Thanks Himanshu, I think there might be a misunderstanding. I want to use the Hubpsot Blog on my Hubspot website. I do not have another blog on my more
danbraun on March 15, 2023
Hi. I'd like to detect if a user visiting a page is logged in and conditionally run javascript based on this. I would like to apply this code in a module via design manager area. Backgroud: Im trying to detect if one of our staff members is acce read more
3 Replies
danbraun on December 15, 2022
Using the following post, Teun provided a solution for me to intercept a Hubspot form submission and add parameters to the redirection URL: read more
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6 Replies
January 06, 2023
Sorry for not responding earlier. Thanks for the help! Shouldn't this instead be kept open? While @BarryGrennan has a work around, isn't this more
danbraun on December 15, 2022
Using the following post, Teun provided a solution for me to intercept a Hubspot form submission and add parameters to the redirection URL: read more
0 upvote
6 Replies
January 06, 2023
Sorry for not responding earlier. Thanks for the help! Shouldn't this instead be kept open? While @BarryGrennan has a work around, isn't this more
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