
Member since ‎Mar 25, 2020
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Tony Lin

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tlin on May 27, 2022
Within a report, I really like the feature when I drag & draw an area and Hubspot will zoom-in the area I dragged. However, when viewing the same report on a dashboard, it is hard to drag & drop as Hubspot thinks I'm trying to move the read more
tlin on December 14, 2021
Sometimes our contact sends an email to us with an attachment containing sensitive data. And due to security reasons & data storage regulation, we have to delete the attachment from Hubspot (because Hubspot's data centre is either in US or EU). read more
1 upvote
2 Replies
tlin on November 30, 2021
In the current setup, we can configure NPS surveys to be recurring on a monthly basis, but we cannot add or configure the questions in the NPS survey. In order to add more questions in one survey (i.e., NPS & CES question), we need to create read more
7 Replies
November 02, 2021
Hi @webdew , Thanks for this public beta. I'm configuring and testing this. I'm trying to send out a survey based on 2 criteria: 1. X more
tlin on August 19, 2021
We have received number of complains regarding the chatbot pop up message window is too big & blocking the content of the website. Here are some ideas /suggestions on the chatbot: 1. Make the pop-up window size configurable. 2. Add a "x" read more
3 Replies
August 16, 2021
Has been two years but still not getting this feature
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