
Member since ‎Mar 25, 2020
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Clemente Tagliafierro

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elizabee on March 27, 2020
I would like more rich filter options in the conversation inbox. Currently, only very simplistic filtering options are available and you cannot save your filters. I would like to use filters for analytics and to make sure that our processes are read more
38 Replies
February 02, 2021
+1 - the filter for emails is just not powerful enough at the moment. It would be great to use workflows to create complex filters
taylorfriss on July 11, 2017
We just switched over to HubSpot from Salesforce and are trying to do an audit on which properties we have - so we can find duplicates and either merge or delete them. It would be great if we could export all existing Properties in our system with t read more
May 20, 2020
We would need this too. It would be also great to get additional info as field type and how many contacts/deals/tickets are using the property.
KevinFMTV on June 28, 2019
USE CASE: We use a custom property to identity when a contact is known to be a dead lead. However, many of these contacts have pending tasks associated which are no longer applicable once a contact is dead. PROPOSED FUNCTIONALITY: Add a feature to w read more
149 Replies
March 25, 2020
We need this as well, I think is really a must-have!
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