
Teilnehmer/-in | Diamond Partner
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Teilnehmer/-in | Diamond Partner
Dezember 06, 2024
The ability to create calculated properties on Line items (/Products) would take it to another level. We had at least 5 different usecases from clien...Beitrag ansehen
Teilnehmer/-in | Diamond Partner
Oktober 23, 2024
We have multiple clients desperetly needing to customize the right sidebar with Contact properties in the Inbox. This is long overdue, let's make thi...Beitrag ansehen
Teilnehmer/-in | Diamond Partner
Januar 24, 2024
We have multiple clients needing this, it would bring reporting to the next level in HubSpot. Sad to see that there was no official update on this to...Beitrag ansehen
yasiooy on September 05, 2023
Hi, We are trying to use GTM to create an Analytics Event that would trigger each time a HubSpot form is submitted. That part is easy, but we would also like to have the value of a custom dropdown property in the form to be saved in the Event Labe Beitrag ansehen
1 Antwort
Teilnehmer/-in | Diamond Partner
September 04, 2023
Hi all, I've found this thread while looking for a solution for our client - maybe you'll be able to help. We have a form with a custom dropd...Beitrag ansehen
Teilnehmer/-in | Diamond Partner
April 04, 2023
We have multiple Enterprise clients that desperately need this solution. Seems like it should have been added when labels werre first introduced. We ...Beitrag ansehen
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