
Member since ‎Mar 20, 2020
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AThompson1 on January 08, 2024
With all the updates to reports it would be nice to be able to do more advanced formatting! For example being able to adjust column widths and wrap text would be a game changer for our clients. There are serveral reports/dashboards that need to be read more
5 Replies
September 25, 2024
One more subcsribing to this idea. Super basic CSS fix for wrap text, don't understand why it wouldn't be really easy to implement?
SKuentzel on May 09, 2023
Obviously a good example of "give an inch and they'll take a yard" ( 😁 ) : the release of coloured tags / coding for deals and tickets was super helpful. Can we get this for all objects, including custom objects please? I think we all need to read more
1 Reply
July 10, 2024
Absolutely this is needed - it'd be game-changing for our custom object reporting.
NicoleSengers on February 21, 2022
I would love to be able to add in the new association labels using a workflow - rather than needing to do this manually. this would enable businesses who have contact A who makes a booking and Contacts B, C, D etc who attend a course or an event f read more
343 Replies
April 07, 2024
Thanks Maggie. Would absolutely love to be on this beta, it's currently a major roadblock for certain Workflows in our operations. I also wonder if more
afs25 on March 19, 2021
Hi, I am aware that it is possible to use webhooks to POST contact data to an external service. But I couldn't find any information on getting data from an external service to use in a workflow. Is there a way to initiate a GET call to an extern read more
1 upvote
8 Replies
February 08, 2024
Same here. This would be an incredibly useful feature , anyone been able to find an effective straight forward to implement work a round ?
TCoppen on May 21, 2021
Currently report monthly goals are fixed to set monthly increases (see screenshot). Ideally, we want to set goals for each month that varies due to seasonality. We cant use the revenue goal section for this either as that links to a single read more
13 Replies
October 03, 2023
Should be so simple to implement, is so necessary. Goals aren't flexible enough to report on many things outside of the default templates which are more
SRueger on February 24, 2023
Is it possible to get the association label when exporting contact information? I'm using g-integrator, and I can export the contacts that are associated with a deal, but I can't see what their association label is. Use case: We have "types" of read more
3 Replies
August 29, 2023
Has this been disabled? It no longer appears to function despite still being in the above mentioned tutorial. When creating lists there is no option more
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