
Member since ‎Mar 18, 2020
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Eric Hall

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ulissesdias on September 07, 2020
It would be fantastic if we could trigger workflows based on the new company list membership feature. This is already available for contact workflows with contact lists, but for some reason not available for companies. It would make life a lot e read more
April 07, 2021
Was really surprised when I found out that this capability doesn't exist. Was looking to add contacts to a list based on their company list status more
bcg on July 31, 2019
Hi all! For those of us using Linkedin's Sales Navigator integration for Hubspot... We would like to be able to see 'Linkedin Inmails' and 'Linkedin Connect Requests' in the contact activity feed in Hubspot. We can currently initi read more
64 Replies
April 06, 2021
I have to say that after upgrading my Sales Nav account to Teams, I am very disappointed with the strength of this integration. It seems like more
emhall810 on March 30, 2021
I'm just getting started with the Sales Nav integration and noticed that contacts aren't always auto-matched to their linkedin profiles. I already collect the URL of the contact's LinkedIn account so I can display it in a contact field - can Hub read more
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SimonS on June 10, 2018
We would like to be able to associate Adwords campaigns and ads to Campaigns in HubSpot within HubSpot Ads. Our use case: A third party creates and manages AdWords campaigns for our customer and the Adwords account is associated in HubSpot. Ads an read more
7 Replies
March 22, 2021
@ vivkadbi & @ jhodanich have you tried to use Contact-based Workflows to get around this? You can add a Contact to a Workflow based on Ad more
RRRadu on October 23, 2017
We use WordPress for our main site and we'd like to be able to associate WordPress pages to Campaigns. At the moment, we can only associate Blog or Landing pages hosted on Hubspot. It seems strange that while we use the Hubspot tracking code, an read more
154 Replies
March 22, 2021
Planning on relaunching our site using wordpress and really need this functionality to effectively use our hubspot marketing suite
lrn24 on January 02, 2019
When creating a task, it defaults to being due at 5 pm. There is no way to change the default for this. You need to manually change every task which is time-consuming. There should be an option for default this time to one of your choosing.
176 Replies
February 04, 2021
This could also be accompanied by the ability to create custom task templates. Example: I send over a contract and want to remind myself to more
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