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Member since ‎Mar 14, 2020
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William Elegeert

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vinnypoliseno on May 25, 2017
Right now I have 24 users who are using HubSpot Sales Pro extensively the Meetings feature. It would be nice to have an Admin view to see all the Meetings that are created for my whole organization or broken into teams. To get around this I've c read more
60 Replies
Member | Partner
June 08, 2020
That's a great update Lars, thank you!
Hilke on February 05, 2017
In some cases it would be useful to be able to set up and edit signatures for other users, whenever Marketing sets up automated emails for sales or account management. Either those colleagues are not active users at the moment, or Marketing simply k read more
93 Replies
Member | Partner
May 08, 2020
+ 1 would be very very helpful, both for the admin as for the users
DiegoPI on June 11, 2018
It would be great to be able to change the default meeting reminder email or meeting booked email when creating a scheduling page. The minor customization allowed in the form of additional unformtted text is not enough. It would also be great to be read more
343 Replies
Member | Partner
April 07, 2020
+ 1
DBowers3 on June 16, 2017
Think business consultant or sales broker - We'd like to be able to have one contact associated with multiple companies in Sales CRM.
379 Replies
Member | Partner
April 04, 2020
@erickievit I guess that being able to notice the beta functionality is only possiblle as part of the beta program that @jsg121 mentions? more
vinnypoliseno on May 25, 2017
Right now I have 24 users who are using HubSpot Sales Pro extensively the Meetings feature. It would be nice to have an Admin view to see all the Meetings that are created for my whole organization or broken into teams. To get around this I've c read more
60 Replies
Member | Partner
June 08, 2020
That's a great update Lars, thank you!
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