
Mitglied seit ‎Mär 12, 2020
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Bethany Pester

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BPester on Mai 02, 2024
Freeze Menu so that when scrolling through records on for example emails don't have to scroll all the way back to the top to switch to tasks for example. Speed up navigation between objects.
ScottH on Juni 12, 2017
Should be able to make a 'Company Lifecycle Funnel' widget with conversion rates between each Lifecycle stage (see 'Contact Lifecycle Funnel' widget for example).
September 17, 2021
lovely idea 🙌 also... I am trying to create a report (preferably a funnel) to show movement from our inactive pipeline to active pipeline - ...Beitrag ansehen
BPester on April 08, 2021
Hello All! This is going to be a lengthy one because I am going to outline the situation first and then put my idea at the bottom so it is hopefully clear and not too far fetched 😆 Basically I was trying to make a report to show deal conversion Beitrag ansehen
2 Antworten
September 17, 2021
Hello all, more on this idea.... I am trying to create a report (preferably a funnel) to show movement from our inactive pipeline to active pipe...Beitrag ansehen
JVladis on Dezember 29, 2020
It looks like we cannot report in a very basic way about 2 properties. How does A+B looks VS A only for example. If I want to know the pourcentage of contacts that 2 properties known VS the contact that only one of those poperty know, then from my Beitrag ansehen
1 Antwort
April 08, 2021 Yes totally agr...Beitrag ansehen
BPester on April 08, 2021
Hello All! This is going to be a lengthy one because I am going to outline the situation first and then put my idea at the bottom so it is hopefully clear and not too far fetched 😆 Basically I was trying to make a report to show deal conversion Beitrag ansehen
2 Antworten
September 17, 2021
Hello all, more on this idea.... I am trying to create a report (preferably a funnel) to show movement from our inactive pipeline to active pipe...Beitrag ansehen
Rory_Henson on November 06, 2020
Challenge: when introducing Hubspot to the team, I find there is a challenge whereby people are used to using their emails and therefore spend less time on hubspot and communicating internally on deals. Idea: I would like to create an inter Beitrag ansehen
21 Antworten
April 07, 2021
This is a great idea! I am also looking for a plugin/ facility already in hubspot to facilitate internal chat within our company - I emphasise inter...Beitrag ansehen
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