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Saulo Avelar

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sancybalani on Juli 11, 2018
Hi, I need to load a hubspot form as a popup upon a CTA click. The objective is to seek GDPR consent when a user submits a signup form. I dont want to include all the GDPR consent text on the webpage as it will make the form very bulky hence we wa Beitrag ansehen
178 Antworten
November 03, 2022
Hey @DomRychlik , Definitely interested in chatting with you. Thanks
sancybalani on Juli 11, 2018
Hi, I need to load a hubspot form as a popup upon a CTA click. The objective is to seek GDPR consent when a user submits a signup form. I dont want to include all the GDPR consent text on the webpage as it will make the form very bulky hence we wa Beitrag ansehen
178 Antworten
November 03, 2022
Hey @DomRychlik , Definitely interested in chatting with you. Thanks
sancybalani on Juli 11, 2018
Hi, I need to load a hubspot form as a popup upon a CTA click. The objective is to seek GDPR consent when a user submits a signup form. I dont want to include all the GDPR consent text on the webpage as it will make the form very bulky hence we wa Beitrag ansehen
178 Antworten
November 03, 2022
Hey @DomRychlik , Definitely interested in chatting with you. Thanks
Emma_Clark on Februar 22, 2021
It would be great if prospect information about anonymous website visits could be surfaced on the company record, where one exists. At present, the data is in prospects but we need to remember to visit that page, in addition to the company reco Beitrag ansehen
Mai 10, 2022
I have submitted a similar idea. Check the link so we can boost up the thread. ansehen
sauloavelar on Mai 10, 2022
The Prospect's report provides us with valuable access information. I believe you should provide us with more comprehensive information from prospect's behaviour, since we can track account footprint, so, page access and general audience overvie Beitrag ansehen
sauloavelar on September 14, 2021
Honestly, this is not rocket science. Here's my real-life scenario: To avoid data inconsistency, we have decided to change country/region type to dropdown, so there was no chance for the discrepancy when someone could potentially fill a country Beitrag ansehen
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