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John Nye

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jknye07 on Oktober 27, 2023
I make lists by the hundreds each year and when creating email lists, there isn't a filter that conveniently accounts for all contacts that have opted out. This seems like an easy fix by adding one under "Email Subscription."
1 Antwort
jknye07 on Mai 10, 2023
When adding contacts via a Company page, there should be an option to select and sync certain fields to copy over to the Contact's specific page. Like in Outlook, this function should allow users to sync Address, City/Region, State/Region, and HQ Ph Beitrag ansehen
jknye07 on Juli 21, 2022
I would love to see Workflows in a calendar view. I have some campaigns that have call tasks I want to keep at a certain cadence for our inside sales person, keeping the task list size manageable. By doing this I also have to manually enroll people Beitrag ansehen
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jknye07 on Dezember 20, 2021
Another slick feature to forms would be adding a HubSpot user's calendar directly to a form when a specific radio button is selected. A use case for this would be when setting up a product demo with us and we know (or the form is specific to) a cont Beitrag ansehen
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jknye07 on März 29, 2021
Hey there, Our B2B company has seen a lot of success with Plain Text emails and it would be great to have smart content available for those. The roles and geographies of the people we email differ in regards to the value we propose to them and Beitrag ansehen
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September 22, 2020
Didn't read through the whole feed but the functionality to knock people out of a workflow after directly replying to a worflow email would be an awe...Beitrag ansehen
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