
Member since ‎Mar 10, 2020
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Antonio Cárdenas

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PaulDerstine on April 25, 2017
I recently needed to update EVERY form individually to restrict certain email domains on each submission form.  It would have been a HUGE time saver if HubSpot had a global setting to allow me to simultaneously set these restrictions on all read more
106 Replies
June 23, 2022
It would save us a lot of times and erros.
CaitlinRyan on August 24, 2017
We need to know the country code of all numbers submitted through our forms. It would be ideal if there was a country code drop down to select from that we could have on our web forms This is what HubSpot has on their forms on their website
79 Replies
June 23, 2022
it would be super useful for us.
VivirenMalta on April 01, 2022
Possibility to add a delay until a task is marked as completed in Workflows There are some tasks that need to be created once another task has been done before.
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VivirenMalta on March 25, 2022
Sometimes we have so many workflows creating tasks that you don't remember which Workflow created the task. Checking the record always shows tasks created by Workflow but it doesn't tell you which one.
1 upvote
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dschroed on September 10, 2019
linked to these Forume messages, but no duplictates in the IDEA Forum: I need to be able to respond to instagram messages via my Hubspot account. Can you please look into utilizing the FB Business Manager API, to also integ read more
173 Replies
February 21, 2022
I hope soon we can have this funtionality! Instagram API, is very limited but I hope it will get improved soon.
DitteBille on May 19, 2021
It would be extremely helpful to be able to create folders within folders - especially in the workflow folders as it is possible with lists today.
52 Replies
December 16, 2021
We really need it as well. Is a very basic thing.
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