
Member since ‎Mar 6, 2020
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Kyle Hede

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KyleHede on January 22, 2021
There needs to be a way to add emails to a workflow/ list through the email name with a "Contains" function. Example: 'Marketing Email Name' contains any of "Newsletter". currently we have to individaully select each newsletter email, and as we add read more
KyleHede on January 21, 2021
It would be helpful if there was the option to collapse brances of a workflow. As i do more If/Then statements, my workflows get longer and there is more scrolling involved. By having the ability to collapse at the branch areas, you could save scree read more
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KyleHede on January 11, 2021
When you are in a list, and are refining your criteria, you should be able to check each list you want as a filter. This would them make it into an OR statement. I have mocked this up in the below screenshot next to the red arrow. This w read more
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KyleHede on October 30, 2020
For every list we should have the option to have the "Default" columns or custom columns. It is very redudent to have to change my columns based on which list i am looking at. Some lists i want to see specific fields, while other lists those fi read more
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KyleHede on August 26, 2020
We use campaigns for all of our landing pages, etc. When we have a conversion, we want to know which campaign it came from. There should be a field that captures that, so then we can have workflows go off of the campaign they converted from. It woul read more
2 Replies
BobBalm1 on September 16, 2019
I'd like to propose the idea of adding more data objects to custom reports, OR to make the reports below available as Standard Reports (some already are, but without the filter options). Right now, I can only create custom reports on: Contacts Co read more
20 Replies
April 28, 2020
This is desperately needed
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