
Member since ‎Mar 4, 2020
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Caroline Ehald

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DanielHird on September 17, 2021
Just discovered we can't copy to a different account, a drag & drop email. Will have to recreate in the different account(s), but would be great if you could just copy across to other accounts.
9 Replies
February 19, 2024
Extremely helpful when you have multiple portals that you need to work with !
Caro_Infolegale on December 13, 2023
To be able to process duplicates en masse on a property of our choice, including personalized properties such as siren (unique identifier of a company in France).
Caro_Infolegale on November 10, 2022
It would be nice if the Stripe payment module that exists in the USA could be deployed in France so that we could accept payments on a website.
1 Reply
Caro_Infolegale on June 09, 2022
I would like to choose the owner of the default templates. In Outlook with HubSpot's template module, the popup should open to any owner rather than self.
Caro_Infolegale on March 22, 2022
I would like when creating a product to be able to choose properties that are specific to it and designate which one is mandatory or not. This would allow that in the product selection of the quote, the properties are displayed according the select read more
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Caro_Infolegale on December 22, 2021
We would like to be able to have the rich text styling options on a website page or a landing page to, for example, change the background color. For the moment, we have only the option to change the padding.
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