
Participant | Platinum Partner
Member since ‎Mar 3, 2020
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Charlotte Kleming

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Ckleming on August 09, 2021
We have a complex challenge, and hope the community experience can guide us in the right direction. A client is mopving their website to Hubspot CMS. We need to create a listing page and post page for 700+ boats. Current site: https://ser read more
Ckleming on June 10, 2021
Hi there, can anyone give some advise on how to remove the "unmute" button from the video displayed on this page? Video is without sound. I have unchecked "mute by default". I have located that I need to edit "element style", and browsed thro read more
0 upvote
8 Replies
Participant | Platinum Partner
June 16, 2021
Thanks @cspfinlayson .. Do you have any solutions to this issue.. any workaround?
Ckleming on June 10, 2021
Hi there, can anyone give some advise on how to remove the "unmute" button from the video displayed on this page? Video is without sound. I have unchecked "mute by default". I have located that I need to edit "element style", and browsed thro read more
0 upvote
8 Replies
Participant | Platinum Partner
June 16, 2021
Thanks @cspfinlayson .. Do you have any solutions to this issue.. any workaround?
Ckleming on June 10, 2021
Hi there, can anyone give some advise on how to remove the "unmute" button from the video displayed on this page? Video is without sound. I have unchecked "mute by default". I have located that I need to edit "element style", and browsed thro read more
0 upvote
8 Replies
Participant | Platinum Partner
June 16, 2021
Thanks @cspfinlayson .. Do you have any solutions to this issue.. any workaround?
ckaku on March 13, 2018
Hi! I was at an industry fair recently and let someone use my device to fill in one of our forms. This turned out to be a huge mistake - now every Hubspot page I look at is recorded under her Contact Record and it keeps changing her name to my nam read more
3 Replies
Participant | Platinum Partner
February 25, 2021
Hi, is this still the only wau to handle this issue? Charlotte
Ckleming on January 08, 2021
Hi, for a client we have a soltions module with 12 solutions in a 3x4 module. When we have used a template drag&drop (the old way) I have edited the module in one template and then copy/pasted it to 3 other templates to save time in doing read more
0 upvote
5 Replies
Participant | Platinum Partner
January 20, 2021
Dennis, thank you. Yes, I understand the cloning part. I want to clone parts of a page, in same portal. When working with "the old" kind of more
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