
Member since ‎Mar 3, 2020
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khookguy on February 07, 2023
Is it possible to create (or copy over) business units in a Sandbox? It doesn't seem like it, but wanted to check here and get a definitive answer.
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4 Replies
September 19, 2024
We are a partner and need to do some testing using the new Business Unit functions in the v3 apis... Our current dev sandbox does not have this more
feedotter-dev on September 19, 2024
We have been successfully using the v1 apis to create emails and perform related tasks such as lookup lists and subscriptions. In the past week we have started to see features break or begin to exhibit new unexpected error messages. I have read as read more
feedotter-dev on June 22, 2023
Hello, We have a listed application in the app library that builds newsletter emails for customers. We use the Marketing Email API call to create the email in HS. read more
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2 Replies
July 25, 2023
Hi Jaycee, I have sent you 2 messages with video detailing the issue. Is this something you can help us with? We are really limited in testing more
feedotter-dev on June 22, 2023
Hello, We have a listed application in the app library that builds newsletter emails for customers. We use the Marketing Email API call to create the email in HS. read more
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2 Replies
July 25, 2023
Hi Jaycee, I have sent you 2 messages with video detailing the issue. Is this something you can help us with? We are really limited in testing more
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