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Matthew Fisher

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segall12 on Oktober 20, 2017
Any plans for those who use gmail through Safari? Seems like a very glaring ommission as a supported browser Thanks, Lorne
Juni 12, 2021
+1 for Safari Apple has just announced some nice looking enhancements so I'd love to use it with HubSpot. They've also improved the way that ...Beitrag ansehen
lindsayroseryan on Februar 16, 2018
Other messaging tools capture the end user's IP address immediately when they initiate a conversation with a representative. This is a valuable piece of information the ensures that the customer has the best experience possible. There are Beitrag ansehen
46 Antworten
August 24, 2020
I support this sugestion as we have multiple local online stores around the world - if we knew what country the customer was located in, we could pro...Beitrag ansehen
Anonymous on Juni 19, 2019
Add ability to convert an active list to a static list - this would allow for a list used for a targeted email to then be converted so new contacts could not be added, creating a snapshot in time. Most lists are used multiple times, but some eve Beitrag ansehen
Juni 02, 2020
I see it's pretty easy to simply clone an active list into a static one, but just to reconfirm... if you then delete the active list, does it leave t...Beitrag ansehen
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