
Member since ‎Mar 2, 2020
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Julianne Douglas

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cazolaax on September 11, 2017
I am working on "Connect your social accounts in Hubspot" project. The steps i am following are literally the ones that appear on the task. I manage many social accounts on facebook, but the only ones y can add, are my personal profile read more
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2 Replies
November 11, 2020
The only way I was ultimately able to connect (and then re-connect) FB and Instagram accounts was by signing in again using a New Private / more
Camille71214 on October 10, 2020
I've looked through several articles for help and some of those I can't find anymore (like the one specifically mentioning troubleshooting the connection). I am the assistant to our owner trying to connect our facebook messenger to our hubspot s read more
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5 Replies
November 11, 2020
The only way I was ultimately able to connect (and then re-connect) FB and Instagram accounts was by signing in again using a New Private / more
ElizabethB on October 22, 2020
I am now the new social media person at my company and I've had to reconnect Facebook and Instagram because of admin changes on those accounts. I also manage 3 different pages that all need to be added. Any help would be great.
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6 Replies
November 11, 2020
For other folks for whom the HubSpot troubleshooting page doesn't do the trick... the only way I was ultimately able to re-connect accounts was by more
mrspabs on April 02, 2019
For embedded forms, we need more formatting on the inline thank you message. It would be great to be able to have access to a HTML source button where we could drop in embed codes or format colors of the text.
37 Replies
July 08, 2020
Thanks @JoeMayall ... that's really good to hear. I can't wait! I've held off using the contact form for this reason as well as the plain jane ( more
mrspabs on April 02, 2019
For embedded forms, we need more formatting on the inline thank you message. It would be great to be able to have access to a HTML source button where we could drop in embed codes or format colors of the text.
37 Replies
July 08, 2020
Thanks @JoeMayall ... that's really good to hear. I can't wait! I've held off using the contact form for this reason as well as the plain jane ( more
mrspabs on April 02, 2019
For embedded forms, we need more formatting on the inline thank you message. It would be great to be able to have access to a HTML source button where we could drop in embed codes or format colors of the text.
37 Replies
July 08, 2020
Thanks @JoeMayall ... that's really good to hear. I can't wait! I've held off using the contact form for this reason as well as the plain jane ( more
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