
Member since ‎Feb 26, 2020
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Linh Dao

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linhfelix on November 22, 2023
Hi, our current setup is: - Hubspot form (form field inside a Hubspot custom module) on our website hosted by Hubspot CMS. We have set up hidden fields to capture UTMs as well. - Zapier to push form submission data to Pardot form handler Prob read more
0 upvote
2 Replies
November 22, 2023
hi Ben, thanks for your reply. Because our website is on Hubspot, and the business decided to use Salesforce & Pardot for Sales and CRM, so more
linhfelix on November 22, 2023
Hi, our current setup is: - Hubspot form (form field inside a Hubspot custom module) on our website hosted by Hubspot CMS. We have set up hidden fields to capture UTMs as well. - Zapier to push form submission data to Pardot form handler Prob read more
0 upvote
2 Replies
November 22, 2023
hi Ben, thanks for your reply. Because our website is on Hubspot, and the business decided to use Salesforce & Pardot for Sales and CRM, so more
kagillespie on October 04, 2017
It would be very useful if Enterprise customers that are hosting multiple domains could have more than one active email preferences page. If the domains are completely unrelated and a contact is subscribed to one domain, why do they have to see all read more
October 02, 2020
yes please
MHuebsch on July 19, 2017
I would recommend having a built-in search and replace function. So you can search through all your blog posts and replace a certain word or phrase. For example, we renamed our company and now I have to go through all our blog posts, find every inst read more
36 Replies
July 20, 2020
this is a potential life saver for large scale migration projects! Please build this HubSpot!
JoseHan on April 18, 2018
In lead scoring, we have set up a negative attribute for contacts that have emails bounced equal or greater than 2. This helps us weed out contacts with invalid emails. Recently I noticed that globally bounced contacts didn't have any count in read more
34 Replies
June 17, 2020
Can't recommend this feature highly enough. Desperate need this, and also a field for those with this error "There was an issue sending an email more
bgarlich on September 01, 2017
I recently ran into a problem where recipients were clicking on links that were not present anywhere in my HTML email and not relevant at all to the content. The email was cloned from a different email and changed completely. I was unaware that the read more
6 Replies
April 10, 2020
Totally agree. This is disappointing, particularly when you inherited things and used the clone functionality to make sure you are following the more
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