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David Johnson

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DJohnson4 on November 19, 2024
Hi everyone, I’m in the process of setting up our new portal, and I’ve hit a bit of a roadblock. We’re a commercial vehicle insurance company, so a single policy (Deal) can have multiple vehicles and drivers associated with it. Initially, I Beitrag ansehen
Oktober 15, 2024
Hi @SteveHTM , Thanks so much for your help. I managed to get it working by changing the HTTP method from POST to PUT, including the object types ...Beitrag ansehen
Oktober 14, 2024
Hi @SteveHTM , I am currently running this script const axios = require('axios'); const accessToken = 'MY ACCESS TOKEN'; // Main funct...Beitrag ansehen
DJohnson4 on Oktober 08, 2024
Hi, I am setting up a workflow that, when a meeting is booked and recorded on the contact record, copies the meeting's date and time to a ticket. The next step in the workflow is to create a task assigned to the ticket owner, with a due date mat Beitrag ansehen
Oktober 08, 2024
Hi @SMartinSJC - You can do this with personalization tokens, if you have them set as the contact owner you can use that property, or use other cus...Beitrag ansehen
Oktober 03, 2024
Hey @Jaycee_Lewis , thanks for the response. We haven't ruled anything out yet, but we would rather not use Zapier or any other system that charge ...Beitrag ansehen
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